This is instructions for changing the logo on your new website to your own logo or website name. Depending on which website you purchased, you may need to create an image for your logo. If this needs to be done, you can easily go to any of the below resources to create your own logo or banner for the top of your website.
Free Online Logo Makers:
If these above websites are not available, please go to and search for "free online logo maker" From there you should be able to find new logo generators.
If you need help installing or changing your logo, we can do it for you. Learn more about us doing it for you here.TIP : A good web designer thinks things through and figures things out for themselves. A bad website designer waits to be told or ask for everything. Be smart and hire local american website designers. Google can tell you how to do ANYTHING from how to walk to how to setup a database.
Arcade Website
The logo should have been changed during the installation process when you edited the config.php file. The variable called $logo automatically changes the logo for you. If for some reason it did not change and it currently says "You Website" then all you have to do is reopen config.php and edit the line that says $logo = "You Website". Just replace the words Your Website to whatever you want to call your website and then save and upload it and then it will instantly change the logo after you refresh your homepage in your browser. If you do not like the logo, we can create a custom logo for you. Please go here
Bible Website
The logo should have been changed during the installation process when you edited the config.php file. The variable called $logo automatically changes the logo for you. If for some reason it did not change and it currently says "You Website" then all you have to do is reopen config.php and edit the line that says $logo = "You Website". Just replace the words Your Website to whatever you want to call your website and then save and upload it and then it will instantly change the logo after you refresh your homepage in your browser. If you do not like the logo, we can create a custom logo for you. Please go here
Dating Website
To change your logo for your new dating site, please go to your admin panel in a browser. If you have not received your admin panel login, please refer to your installation instructions here Once you log into your admin panel, look to the left side and the second link you will see is Site's Global Settings. Click on that link. When the new page loads, the right side will change and you will see a section that says "Site Name". On the far right, click on the edit button. Type your new site name into the text box and then click the save button to the right. We recommend not using more than 19 chanracters for your logo. If you use more than 19 characters, your logo will still display however the portion will display behind the image on the right side. Once you're done, go to your website and refresh your page. You should see your new logo.
HotOrNot Website
The logo should have been changed during the installation process when you edited the config.php file. The variable called $logo automatically changes the logo for you. If for some reason it did not change and it currently says "You Website" then all you have to do is reopen config.php and edit the line that says $sitename = "You Website". Just replace the words Your Website to whatever you want to call your website and then save and upload it and then it will instantly change the logo after you refresh your homepage in your browser. If you do not like the logo, we can create a custom logo for you. Please go here
Image Hosting Website
The logo should have been changed during the installation process when you edited the config.php file. The variable called $logo automatically changes the logo for you. If for some reason it did not change and it currently says "You Website" then all you have to do is reopen config.php and edit the line that says $logo = "You Website". Just replace the words Your Website to whatever you want to call your website and then save and upload it and then it will instantly change the logo after you refresh your homepage in your browser. If you do not like the logo, we can create a custom logo for you. Please go here
The logo should have been changed during the installation process when you edited the config.php file. The variable called $logo automatically changes the logo for you. If for some reason it did not change and it currently says "You Website" then all you have to do is reopen config.php and edit the line that says $logo = "You Website". Just replace the words Your Website to whatever you want to call your website and then save and upload it and then it will instantly change the logo after you refresh your homepage in your browser. If you do not like the logo, we can create a custom logo for you. Please go here
Movie Theater Tickets & Information
To change your logo, you will need to use an FTP application such as DreamWeaver. Connect to your server by setting up a connection to your website. If you do not know how to do this, please go to and search for "add a site to YOUR FTP APPLICATION NAME". You will then need to use your own image editing software such as MS Paint or Adobe Photoshop to create a logo image. If you do not know how to use these programs or do not have them then you can use the above listed logo generators. Your logo needs to be no larger than 190 pixels wide by 49 pixels tall. After you create your logo, save it with the following file name logo.gif. After you save your logo to your computer, go back to your FTP application and upload your new logo to the images folder. To get to the images folder, go to the "content" folder. Then go to the "images" folder. You will be asked if you want to replace the file already there. Be sure to click yes. Once you're done, go to your website and refresh your page. You should see your new logo.
Sexy Babe Desktops
To change your logo, you will need to use an FTP application such as DreamWeaver. Connect to your server by setting up a connection to your website. If you do not know how to do this, please go to and search for "add a site to YOUR FTP APPLICATION NAME". You will then need to use your own image editing software such as MS Paint or Adobe Photoshop to create a logo image. If you do not know how to use these programs or do not have them then you can use the above listed logo generators. Your logo needs to be no larger than 328 pixels wide by 127 pixels tall. After you create your logo, save it with the following file name header.png. You will need to make sure the background of our header is set to "transparent". After you save your logo to your computer, go back to your FTP application and upload your new logo to the images folder. To get to the images folder, go to the "templates" folder. Then go to the "4dark" folder. Then go to the "images" folder. You will be asked if you want to replace the file already there. Be sure to click yes. Once you're done, go to your website and refresh your page. You should see your new logo.
SmallURL Website
The logo should have been changed during the installation process when you edited the config.php file. The variable called $logo automatically changes the logo for you. If for some reason it did not change and it currently says "You Website" then all you have to do is reopen config.php and edit the line that says $logo = "You Website". Just replace the words Your Website to whatever you want to call your website and then save and upload it and then it will instantly change the logo after you refresh your homepage in your browser. If you do not like the logo, we can create a custom logo for you. Please go here